All our partners are ISO certified in quality and environmental management.

With a qualified staff and excellent suppliers we provide our customers high quality products. Our company aims to obtain the highest quality in every respect to fully satisfy our customers demands and expectations.

To meet the challenges of the climate change, our business must be ready to succeed in a circular economy and reduce the CO2 emissions.

Innovation and digitalisations are important elements to help our business to decarbonise. 

In close collaboration with our partners, we focus on following:

  • Energy efficiency – reducing the energy and associated emmissions in the production 
  • Fuel switch – reducing the carbon intensity of energy source 
  • Sustainable transports – by using sustainable energy-smart mode of transport, environmentally friendly fuels and energy-efficient transports
  • Recycling – decrease the carbon footprint of raw materials and create the circularity of our business
  • Innovative customer solutions – enabling our customers to reduce their emissions 
  • Locally produced products – most of our products are produced in Europe close to the Nordic market